Hi: Ithaca ReUse has a logo that has been very recognized but the director felt they needed a refresh as they are growing their organization, their offerings, and their programs. The logo shown to the left is the original version. The image above is the revision--keeping the arrow element, keeping the circle. Simplifying the text..and straightening out the copy so its a bit more direct, a little less fun.
New New
The rain has stopped for now. If I were a mushroom, I would be tremendously happy. Its cool and humid and the lawn is out of control. We have these mushroom monsters, natural sculpture that have popped up overnight under the big pine trees we have in the side yard. These babies just "happened" and though eating something that big, and derived from a pine tree does not appeal to me, their immediacy and their presence is though alarming, is also quite miraculous. More rain for the weekend--so all the plump fruit can soak it in for maybe a nice hot July to transform blossom to bite for all of us. I am thinking peaches.
As I am in the process of bringing you all up to date, I thought I would share some of the work I have been putting out--that you may or may not see in our neighborhood.
Today, I am going to introduce you to the new logotype for the Finger Lakes Cider House (FLCH). The FLCH is a new venture brought to you by Melissa Madden and her husband, Garrett Miller of the Good Life Farm, Interlaken, New York. I have been working with Melissa and Garrett on their farm logo and graphics/marketing/promo and when this gem popped up, I raised my hand to say that yes, I would love to take a crack at this. So later last year November or so, I started work on developing this mark--and this one, for me, stood out of the pack immediately. I am delighted that Melissa and Garrett agreed to this design.
The Finger Lakes Cider House is at the Good Life Farm and is a beautiful space (all built by Garrett and a team) that overlooks Cayuga Lake in a simple wood inspired space. I wanted to reflect the hand made quality of the space along with integrating a form that could be used independently (the apple and the seeds (called the seedstar)). So taking a page from my "way back machine" retro inspiration these day, I decided to start with the font and get something, (I know, god forefend) Celtic. Celtic! WTF? Miss Polly Pure Type is going off the deep end! But yes, friends, I did go Celtic and found a font that I thought would work, would express the handmade thing, and would be bulletproof (a phrase the fancy brandmakers in the BIG City would never, ever use--my new favorite that is bandied around is "mindful"--do not get me started).
What is bulletproof? Bulletproof means you can put the logo in anyone's hands (even a monkey) and your brand would still have integrity. It means applicable...even without a standards manual or 175 pages of dos and don'ts. It is a logo that is simple (one or two colors, no more), simple to apply, inexpensive to produce (xerox, output, rubberstamp) and is memorable. Bulletproof is branding made simple...and not a lot of chatter from consultants about how excellent your design team needs to be to apply it (read lots of work there with the big client). I have a hard time with logos that are just by design expensive to implement, and expensive to maintain. Why would anyone (client) knowingly select a full color logotype that has a gradient that you need a Masters Degree in IT and print production to even begin to use? I like it dumb (because that is the way I am)--and accessible. I do not think that it means bad or inelegant...but what is the purpose of a logotype if the last time it looked good was in the presentation to the client. The damned mark must look good, and fresh in most applications. Don't we all want to say that we designed "that" when people are loving it, happy. Isnt that the logo doing it's job? Plus with the added benefit to the FLCH logotype, is that we have fun widgets in the apple and seedstar to apply with the very distinct mark.
Enough of my jaded rant. Go to the ciderhouse. Its really fun, and they have well in advance of 20 different hard ciders available to buy by the bottle, with 5-6 on tap to have a tasting, a flight or a glass to see what all the fuss is about. I am delighted in this new local industry which truly has popped up in the last 4 years...and I am proud to say of the five ciders represented at the Finger Lakes Cider House, 3 (Redbyrd Orchard Cider, Black Diamond Cider, Good Life Cider) are designed by yours truly--and they do not look even like family members which was part of the challenge. More on that as we go.
Eight Arms plus a few more
playing with octopus brushes, Q. Cassetti 2012My new Etsy store, Qtoo, went up yesterday complete with my windowsill photography and bad grammer/english. However, it is up…and I am getting to see what folks respond to etc. I had a few sales to friends (!) already and have had pieces added to Etsy followers’ Treasury Lists. What is a Treasury? Etsy responds:
“Treasury is an ever-changing, member-curated shopping gallery comprised of lists of items. Lists contain 16 items. Members can feature their favorite items, items selected on a theme or whatever they like. Any Etsy member can create a Treasury list, and there is no limit to the number of lists you can create. You can edit your lists as often as you desire, and post comments to other members’ lists. The number of views your list receives as well as the number of clicks the items featured in your list receive are displayed in the list’s Stats section.”
The Cat/on skulll bracelet is in a treasury as is the Ivory rose on a tan background (more than one). I am sad to think that the stuff that I really love is not mainstream for this audience, but its a bit more “Mom” and I should tailor the mix accordingly.
The scene here is a bit unnerving…but not worth getting into publicly. I am just on the upswing of another parental “growth spurt” and am feeling sore with the surprises and small shocks that are being provided. It has been an interesting day or so of observation and interaction. I should focus on work and octopus/squid legs and how they can become brushes and keep my focus on something I can positively effect…not stun with my crankiness.
We had around 25 at the dish to pass last night in the Farmers Market space. It was a convivial group with new people to meet and actually really talk to. That was a surprise was that this sort of affair, outside of a restaurant or even someone’s house takes the “ownership” away from the event, and folks are a bit more open and conversant. Another thing that struck me was though we had multigenerational families, we had couples and singles—this type of event is perfect for singles as it isnt a couplecentric event. I cannot even fathom why…but it feels right for those in the area who are looking to make some connections, this dinner is the place to go. A friend told me of a dish to pass they have been having for thirty years at Taughannock Park—and what a tradition they have established. There are now married children and grandparents to extend this gathering to a second and third generation. Talk about community. Talk about conversation.
Just met with Amy Puryear to talk about a logotype for The Double E, her band. Rootabag Boogie (or Tracy Craig) sums The Double E up this way:
“…that’s Ithaca’s newest country roots band, featuring Amy & Ward Puryear. Lots of songs about home and heart and love and land (isn’t that what country music’s supposed to be?) Amy’s made a couple of albums under her maiden name, Amy Glicklick, including one she recorded in Guatamela with a wonderful group of children. It was music that brought Amy to Ithaca—she came to study at Ithaca College, with the idea of getting her masters in music education. While she was here, she met Ward, who’s part of the whole extended Donna the Buffalo family, and it’s been one big adventure ever since. This new band showcases Amy and Ward’s original songwriting. On the bass, Lily Aceto; Jason Shegogue on lap steel and electric guitar; and, all the way from Lafayette, Louisiana, Gary Graefe on drums. “
So, the visual language we start with are snap shirts, western wear, boots and brands, railroad trains— western/country which is so much fun as Amy confided that she studied opera at Ithaca College when she was a voice major. Talk about going for it! from Opera to Country—! They have tremendous stories, language and pathos in common. And, now they have Amy! This project started as a tattoo request and the more we talked about it, the more it became clear we were looking at some sort of brand. So should be fun….I hope.
Rob has been in NYC and will hopefully be back for this evening. August is clicking away. Where is it all going?
Spring swirl
Kaleidescopic Floral Wreath, Q. Cassetti, 2012, Adobe Illustrator CS5Raining yesterday with a bit more today, or at least that is my hope. It better darn well rain as we didn’t have much snow…please. I was driving home from Ithaca today and took a detour through Taughannock Park (which boasts many waterfalls throughout the park, with the tallest being taller than Niagara. You can really gauge what is happening with rain by the state of the flow at Taughannock, and from what I could see, we are not in dire straits…but pretty consistent with other springs.
I am churning away on a ton of small projects which by the end of March will start to bloom and flower like these silly wreaths and vegetables I have been planting with Adobe Illustrator (there will be 5 of these auctioned as giclees at the Great Local Foods Network, Celebration of local foods, event on March 31).
I have 3 labels going to the TTB for a local hard cider producer (possibly going on the CSA model this spring/summer). I have a few logos in the works (one redraw that is coming along nicely)…with labels for vegetable boxes and possibly labels for produce in the store.
There is branding revision work for my big client. I am mulling over how one can control/modify marketers continual desire to use metaphors particularly in an arena that is scientific in nature…and sensitive. Why must marketers want to show a construction site or something along that line when they are talking about “building our business”—and that sort of silliness. It just doesnt jive. Speak simply and honestly. What is the problem with that? Its far less complicated and gets the reader to focus on the direction your communications go in than the feint that the photo provides. There are a lot of revisions that are desired, but unless handled well, could really bring the walls down that we have been ardently trying to supervise in the past year. I need to walk gingerly. Quietly.