Kaleidescopic Floral Wreath, Q. Cassetti, 2012, Adobe Illustrator CS5Raining yesterday with a bit more today, or at least that is my hope. It better darn well rain as we didn’t have much snow…please. I was driving home from Ithaca today and took a detour through Taughannock Park (which boasts many waterfalls throughout the park, with the tallest being taller than Niagara. You can really gauge what is happening with rain by the state of the flow at Taughannock, and from what I could see, we are not in dire straits…but pretty consistent with other springs.
I am churning away on a ton of small projects which by the end of March will start to bloom and flower like these silly wreaths and vegetables I have been planting with Adobe Illustrator (there will be 5 of these auctioned as giclees at the Great Local Foods Network, Celebration of local foods, event on March 31).
I have 3 labels going to the TTB for a local hard cider producer (possibly going on the CSA model this spring/summer). I have a few logos in the works (one redraw that is coming along nicely)…with labels for vegetable boxes and possibly labels for produce in the store.
There is branding revision work for my big client. I am mulling over how one can control/modify marketers continual desire to use metaphors particularly in an arena that is scientific in nature…and sensitive. Why must marketers want to show a construction site or something along that line when they are talking about “building our business”—and that sort of silliness. It just doesnt jive. Speak simply and honestly. What is the problem with that? Its far less complicated and gets the reader to focus on the direction your communications go in than the feint that the photo provides. There are a lot of revisions that are desired, but unless handled well, could really bring the walls down that we have been ardently trying to supervise in the past year. I need to walk gingerly. Quietly.