Here we are again. Bright and fresh--delicious coffee in hand and the fan blowing. It is a lovely spring morning with my peonies at the lake in bloom and the primordial Tulip poplar shedding it's remarkable blooms. So amazing and unexpected. The sun was shining and it was misty drizzling--a delicious little surprise that the grass has delighted in. Unfortunately, the vermin deer have gobbled down all the day lily blossoms, so another year of no day lilies. I am not pleased that despite the "kill" in the village to shave our herd from over 100 dear per square mile to 8, they somehow still are devouring MY plants. Not happy.
In the cadence of the rap poet, and hate monger, Donald Trump, how would he convey these thoughts. I think Trump is a scream albeit a nightmare scream given his content--but the way he speaks and delivers a lack of idea is remarkable and worth studying. Great approach for something, I cannot figure out what--but time to put some thought into that.
It is also CSA time of the year (CSA is Community Supported Agriculture). To those not familiar, this is an opportunity to buy a share of the crops from a local farm, Sweetland Farm from early June through to November. One buys a share, goes to the farm once a week and can pick from all the veggies they have (and herbs) and fill a bag. As things roll on, there is the second bag "take as much as you want" with greens etc. along with you pick deliciousness. Flowers are part of the share, so handfuls of zinnias, cosmos etc. go home too. It is Tuesdays or Fridays--and I find the time spent at the farm, in the field so amazing and centering that I am happy its started up again. Through Sweetland, I have learned and cooked many veggies that might not have hit my basket--from kale to all sorts of little japanese turnips, kohlrabi and chard. I love the fresh seasonality and crazy stuff like you pick tomatillos that I have cooked down and turned into lovely slow cooked dinners. I have become a quick pick nut (pickles) and will pickle onions, shaved cukes, red cabbage or beets at a moments notice...and surprisingly, they are eaten very quickly and happily. Another thrill.
Here's a homerun recipe that I make every week during the summer though the limes are not "local" I look the other way as this pickle is served breakfast lunch and dinner. I am sure you can figure out what it would taste good with:
Tomorrow is day 2 of the CSA..and I wait impatiently.
Onward to work...but we will talk soon.