IF: Shades [of Spring]
“Spring in the world!
And all things are made new!”
Richard Hovey. (1864–1900)
IF: [seeded] Yield
IF: Fluid [line]
IF: Suspense: Who are you?
IF: Prepared
She is prepared to go out…albeit it took hours to get this way.
IF: Sink
IF: Silent
IF: Stripes
IF: Scattered
“Knowledge, in truth, is the great sun in the firmament. Life and power are scattered with all its beams.” Daniel Webster (1782-1852)
IF: Hibernate
I celebrate the season of hiberation in thinking, reading, and celebrating being home, sweet home. I like it so much, I make pictures of it….
why not?
IF: Mysterious
IF: Swell
He swells with the season, bursting leaves, budding flowers.
IF: Imperfect
“I never expect to see a perfect work from imperfect man.”
Alexander Hamilton (1755–1804)
IF: [love is the] Remedy
IF: [Ready to] Launch into Summer
IF: Shadow
My dog, Shady Grove was renamed from her original name of Shadow which aptly describes her as she is always a step behind me, black and unnoticable…silent and affectionate…tail always wagging.