Prince Dauntless from “Once Upon a Mattress”, Charles O. Dickerson HS, 03/22/2012The play was a great success for all. Alex got through with great energy, excitement and polish. It was amazing to see the quiet boy step out to the front of the stage dressed in a red velour nightgowny- tabard with a big gold belt and his crown set back on the back of his head—and belt out a song or two— on tune, in time while dancing. Makes me wonder what we did to have a son with this ability…and really take it in stride without much nervousness.
The second night was a driving performance that got him really going—to the point that he was breathlessly energized—much like his coming off a really good cross country event. He was laughing and excited…it was wonderful. He really did a terrific, funny job. There were people asking about if he could audition for the Running to Places production of Oklahoma this summer…and we are are going to push him. I think it would be a fabulous experience for him to do this with another group. Heck, if he goes to Hofstra, I would love it if he had the will and desire to engage in the theatre there (I think they have something like six stages on campus!).
We had the cast party last night (around 45 kids) with Hebrew National Hot Dogs piled high, hostess cupcakes and pink snowballs on platters as our contribution to the event. It was a good time for all. Plus, they left on time. So it was double sweet as we had to get up early this morning to get Kitty to the bus to go back to the Shire for the remainder of the year.
It was terrific to see Kitty. She is full of ideas, angles and ambition to get out of her comfort zone and meet people, try things and learn. She is headlong into costume design and is relishing every moment of it with her classes at Smith and the projects she is doing on the home turf at Hampshire. We hope to send her to FIT for two summer semesters to get stronger sewing and designing chops. I think if we can bolster this liberal arts experience with strong technical skills…she will really be able to fly. She is dancing her way up and down the east coast—making contra dancing clothes for her friends, meeting a ton of new people and getting away from the socially awkward she previously identified with…and learning that she can have both worlds.
So, all is good. I need to go make dinner. Its late as I have been busy burning disks of all the former drama and one act production photos that I plan to give to the leading light and driver of this amazing program. Such a labor of love that will hold both of my children in great stead as they get older and have to get up in front of people and “present”. No nerves for the two Cassettis….to their mother’s great happiness and pride.
Now for their supper….I wonder what there is to rustle up?