Pastel Rabbits, Q. Cassetti, 2011, pen and ink, Colored in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop CS5Cool and Humid. Looks like rain just like yesterday so that we have a mid day downpour so we have golden dusks. Kitty, bless her, went out yesterday and ripped out weeds. Today, I think there may be more yard work and then some filing for me. We could get rid of the heaps of paper…and she doesnt have the emotional thing I have with the paperwork. If she could sort and plan them for me, I can act.
I am doing a bunch of layout work along with having a few illustrations that need to be finished and inked for tomorrow. There is something I do not understand. The current illo project I am working on is a less than 3 day project on something that is going into testing next week. If they are going into testing, then why didnt they have a little time to get the work done versus the ole 3 day, acid stomach thing. Little guidelines and fast timeframe… It just seems that the illustrator picks up the slack on some less than stellar project management. Not a problem, just looking at it as a designer and saying “why?”.
Speaking of illustration, I need to order a few of the 3x3 Magazines to have on file. Also, the pastel Q. is happening. I like the softness of the colors on the image above, with the pastels being soft and not necessarily sweet. Color is hard work worth pursuing. I need to take my woodcut headset (black, brown, cream, red) to another place just, if anything, to push the work.
Gotta go. Morning is speeding by.