Tiny Banana Split Brooch, Q. Cassetti, 2013 (live link to Etsy)Snowing some more. It was a wet winter wonderland last night when we were out…and it continued over the course of the evening. But there were honking geese in the sky this morning, and the starling were hunting around on the rooftop for a nice little spot in the gutter or under the roofline to make a little grassy nest for the new family on the way. The starlings are agressively family minded…so there is something in that as it relates to a promise of Spring though we certainly do not see it. We saw snowdrops in Ithaca on Sunday, again…another check that change is at hand…but I will not believe it until the white stuff is DONE.
It is very left foot right foot with my design work these days. Move ahead one step, back another and then change the palette sixteen different ways to sunday “Just because”. Very prescriptive and not really getting to visual problemsolving. Hairpullers for yours truly.
As you can see from the Banana Split brooch posted today, I am putting some new stuff on Esty, and am making duplicates to provide for fundraising auctions for Great Camp Sagamore and for MANY/Museumwise. I have a box of about a dozen different ones for both charities (and with these babies fetching around $ 25. a pop…there is a little bit of potential profit along with the gliclees I will be sending along with them). Nice that this might equal a scholarship for one and some supplies for the other.
The community read is raising money even before we have started the programming. Exciting that there is such a wide amount of support around this project. Meeting tomorrow at 6 p.m. to see where we can take this and who else we can engage in the process.
I am buying Hawkeye and Redmon vintage picnic baskets and will be selling them through Sundrees soon. Diane and I thought it would be fun to have them as part of the mix and as part of the Farmgirl/ Tburg Bride styling that she is working on. So, I have some beautiful things coming my way to sell for dish to pass chic…and ready to be tricked out with your favorite tablecloth and vintage melamine (or some of the really cute plates they have at Target for poolside or lake side endeavors).
Must go. Time’s a wasting.