Just back from a whirlwind trip to Pittsburgh. Bad news--it consumed the weekend. Good news--I had a nice time with Robbie and had a chance to see my mom and a big dose of Pee Aye (PA) nature. They are in a different growing zone than we are--so their fall is behind us a bit...so the brilliant gold was still twinking on the trees--and the skies were clean and clear, scrubbed of clouds and darkness. It is wonderful landscape from Corning to State College and then from State College to Pittsburgh. We did one of my new favorite road activities which is looking up names of towns that interest me, and learn a little bit of local news. We learned about Prince Gallizin, the Allegheny Portage Railroad and the Erie Canal yesterday p.m. Another favorite is taking pictures out of the side window as we drive...its kind of crap shoot as to what you will end up with...either way, good or bad. Got the image above....and am delighted. Am thinking Gingerbread model...
From the car window: Central PA
Q. Cassetti, 2015