I heard a buzzing sound out of an open window.
Seems pretty normal ...
heard a quiet buzz getting closer and closer.
The idle sound got very quiet as
this boomerang object passed over my house.
The sky still had pink in it from sundown...H
Had one solid bright white light and green flashers on each wing.
The object was plane-like, except extra long in the front
but wings toward back of this object.
Looked between a boomerang and a triangle.
Continued to swoop toward a landing...
but turned and looped around and over my house
another 4 times.
It was not a plane because
it hummed or buzzed like a dirtbike..
I've now seen the bright green flashers
and bright solid light in the entire valley
randomly since last winter.
Has a distinct hum/buzz sound.
Are these drones?
Occurred : 7/30/2014 21:15 (Entered as : 7/30/14 21:15)
Reported: 7/30/2014 8:06:27 PM 20:06
Posted: 8/1/2014
Location: Worcester, MA
Shape: Triangle
Duration:20 minutes