There are quite a few things that are really wonderful about email and electronic communications like speed, ease, and regularity. Then, there are things like real communication which gets left at the doorstep as one cannot read anything into an email as there is no real time connection, no idea if things were flat or fabulous. It is all how you read the text and or read the entire context of the conversation. In my world, watching the client is key to really understanding what makes them tick. Case in point. The other newbie that sent me back to the drawingboard with an ad really LIKED the ads. Liked the attitude (a little smarty pantsy). Liked the graphics. And, she saw where it could baby did not need to throw the poor baby right out of the bath water.
Let's just say, I was close to fist pumping and jumping up out of my seat (pending my ankle cooperating) just in the sheer appeal that I had not missed it entirely. Phew.