Display at a Florida USPS Office featuring my stamp as the O in LOVE. Thank you to Amelia Sauter and Leah Houghtaling for the shot from the road.
Today is the first day of issue for my Love Stamp (2014) for the US Postal Service. How Exciting! There is an event at the Time Warner Building today (on Columbus Circle NYC) with speechifying and an opportunity for people to make their own valentines for people they love. Its all very splashy and fabulous...and for me a little stunning with the time I am spending on the PR that is being generated.
I just spent an hour and a half with an amazing woman who interviews and films for Time Warner Cable's news channel who is doing a little 1.5 min. feature on the stamp...and it will run in a few regional markets in the state. I wish there was more real content other than, "yeah, I did that" and even spinning one out is pretty thin. But, she is a remarkable person--that I am sure with a little cutting and pasting, she will create something salvageable.
I am busy placing an order with the Post Office to get my own little pile of stamps for my annual (yet to be figured out) valentine...which will have a stamp on it in some way. Should I buy all the commemorative stuff for my children (no, just more stuff is my thinking)? Once again, I would really love to see the data on this once they exhaust the supply. But somehow, this is not something that I think I could gain access to.
It has been work and sleep here. I am beginning to wallow a bit in a cider label system for a friend. They will be coming out with their own hard cider (wine style) and want a series of labels...so I am on apples, and have been trolling font sites to see if there is anything that feels new, fresh and inspiring to push this ahead. I will be doing a few layouts using chalkboard graphics as a place to start which is very Ithaca/ Tburg from waaaay back before the chic Brooklynites started to own that world. The names they are entertaining are either very locally based and or farm based (for their farm). They love a more pulled back, more wine related label to suggest the market they are going for (which I will show them)--but I would love to see this thing have a bit more snap and pop...than something so "grown up". Does a cider buyer want their beverage to look more elegant and refined like wine? or something that has a bit more attitude and spirit than wine and even beer for that matter? We will see.