Troll, Q. Cassetti 2013. Adpbe IllustratorAlex is back at Hofstra. Kitty has started classes. Rob is busy. I have pulled another muscle in my leg…so I am hobbling around cronelike…and living for the heating pad. We are a few days into it…and I must admit, its getting better—but not as quickly as I would like.
Lots of work from Great Camp Sagamore. Just finished a poster, quartercard, black and white ad, ticket, web icon, Facebook graphic to promote a benefit folk concert April 5 in Saratoga Springs with the Jamcrackers and another group. I have their benefit invitation, website work and then, hopefully we can do a bit of a dive into a brand. After the board meeting, I now grasp how I can help the team move the needle in branding, brand building, promotion and programming which I am beginning to understand I am pretty good helping spin ideas about. The Piggery did a Bacon Fest which we talked out…and it rang the cash register, drove traffic and awareness and was a complete success for them. I hope with Sagamore, we can drive more people to visit, to give and to support. So much is volunteer, that those with means should contribute a bit….but that is a later story.
The troll is one of a series of illustrations I am going to work on—portraits of toys that terrified me as a child… breathing alittle life into their scariness. I finished a Barbie and have a few more Barbies to do…as I am stunned by the big lips, and the alien eyes that these oddly shaped iconic dolls portray.