Yin Yang

It was a long, happy and amazing weekend. Two totally amazing women, women who build community without even thinking, married…. and forever. Absoulutely no question. This union is beyond the grave. They are kindred spirits—the yin and yang…the light and darkness, the beginning and end. They are paired perfectly—and inspire all to seek the one for the ever, forever spot.I have been to plenty of weddings with the same liturgy with “‘til death do us part”…and this wedding of two matched souls transcended the ordinary. It was about pure love. Lasting love that spans pies, and planks, music and moments, people and places.  These are topics that are hashed out…one at a time between these two bookends who so happily complement each other.  Congratulations on dear Leah and Amelia on their marriage (legalized, finally!) and you honor us by being part of the small golden circle surrounded you during this transcendent moment. Blessings on you.