Trainyard, NYC, Q. Cassetti 2012They really weren’t kidding when parents say to their kids “This hurts me more than it hurts you”. It’s a mean thing to say because within the context of the kid, its bad enough…but there is truth to being there with your kid when the slapdown happens. I know it’s life and in order to grow and develop we all need setbacks and setdowns, but must we really keep having to hit the wall over and over again not only for ourselves but for our kids. My heart aches for my hopeful son…who wants to pass a test—and needs to buckle down to do it. And unfortunately he needs to focus, be mad and just plain do it. I think a channelled anger might do the trick as he is too trusting to get this one right. When he started to verbally flaggellate himself starting with comparing himself to his friends…and keeping on that channel, I had to seriously tell him to shut up. The only person in this game is him…and no one else. We just need to put our shoulder to it and keep pushing. We need to get right back up on the horse and try again. My heart aches.
The Farmers Market was blissful last night. We had a bunch of new vendors—and it was happily full. People were shopping, eating, hanging out. It was so nice to see the buzz that was there—and though I go to the market to “represent”, it was a pleasure to see our farmers, caterers, and artisans all selling well (some selling out) on a hot summer evening. It didnt hurt that we had the Zydeco Trail Riders who picked up the feeling—-and encouraged people to stay for just the music and the Cayuga Creamery fresh iced cream. I stayed late to see what my friend Stefan was up to, catch up on local doings and news and keep an eye on the wind down. From what we could see, last night was the best night second to our first opener. The parking was full…and people stayed. It will be curious to hear what happens on Saturday. We will be coming back from Sagamore for Alex’s performance of Oklahoma…which really will be the kick off to the summer for us.
There is hope for more events at the Market. Next year, I would love to see both a Wednesday and Saturday market along with bi-weekly or weekly Flea Markets. Someone mentioned a beer festival! That would be fun too (I wonder if this would be a problem)—-and promote the Finger Lakes Beer Trail!
Cameo Bracelets, Q. Cassetti, 2012 (available for sale)…
I am cranking up my Accucut Craft—and am die cutting a bunch of boxes for my cameo bracelets that I am making. Its pretty great…and they look pretty polished to my delight. Next step, sell them. The inset pictures are some of the pieces I have going….Some prettier things, some scarier things, some terrifying things. All to grace a person! We are putting the pins and necklaces on cards, and then I will be ready to show those too.
Mermaids, squid, octopus, Abraham Lincoln and bumblebees. The miasma of being lost and floating.