Hairhopper, Q. Cassetti, 2011, pen and inkIt snowed and snowed. We now have white stuff…and it feels like January, finally! I just finished whomping up a torta kind of thing from all the leftovers and orphans in the fridge so Alex has something to eat for lunch and supper tonight. I need to confirgure the vegetable stock I made the other day into something else we can eat. That is all exciting as the dregs go directly into the compost (not a bit of fat) and secondarily, I have room for more roots and tubers this week from Sweet Land CSA.
Rob left at 4 a.m. to drive to Elmira to catch a plane to Miami. He is going to do some work down there and be in West Palm Beach for the Norton Museum opening of the Hot Glass Road Show which will be paired with Beth Lipman’s installation. The Hot Glass Road show is staffed by a team of master glassmakers, and do demonstrations in hot glass not only to educate but given how skilled these guys are, show off a bit of their chops. I am always impressed, exhilerated and never bored by these demonstrations (and I have been seeing them since they were prototyped over about 20 years ago). I cannot even begin to imagine the response in West Palm Beach. What a treat for the Norton visitors. What a treat for the glassmakers to be in such a divine place for a few months. Should be delightful and fun for Rob. The extra bonbon is that he is staying at the Standard in Miami with it’s eternity pool and oceanfront mud baths.
I plan to read and draw today. Take a vacation, a bit of the holiday vacation today to just do what I want to do. No work…just my stuff. I am working with lines and am thinking about pictures and lines…so something has engaged. We will see where the work goes. Speaking of minds, I love the book I am reading, Haruki Murakami’s Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World. He paints these visceral, dreamy landscapes and speaks about mind and memory that articulates my thinking on that, on life, and on what this all means. Plus, he stirs in wonderful characters, compelling parallel stories and always leaves me in a state of wonder, questioning where I am, where I am going and what will be next in this magical book.
I am stunned by Random House’s Murakami site. Check it out. He is an amazing artist beyond the writer artist he is.
Gotta go. The torta beckons.