green to olive

Rob came home yesterday with tales of wonder from Miami particularly those of the amazing Standard: Lido Spa Hotel (right off the Venetian Causeway). There are DIY mudbaths by the sea, frigid plunge pools, an enormous infinity pool that goes from 0 feet to 8….a water gradient…and as expected a magnificent styling bow to a time we do not hold fondly, the seventies. Hilarious but not to be revered (down to wide wale corderoy sectionals and oak diagonal siding (ouch!). We all have a thing for the Standard, so a new one to add to the pearls of wonder is a treasure. Seems like they got it right one more time. I will have to visit with the team to give you a full report—but, from what I hear, worth the try if you are going to be in Miami in the near future. I am looking forward to that. His trip was fun and quite productive. It was nice to see him back home with spring in his step.

I was almost late to the cross-country breakfast I was sponsoring. So, thanks to the coaching from Alex and Rob, it was simple—and all wrapped up on platters and bowls in the back of my station wagon. I pulled up to my spot, popped the back and away we went. Loved the way that worked. And, thanks to the coaching, all the food and drink were consumed. Happily. We got back to 2 Camp, and I fell apart—literally unable to string ideas together and getting mad about small stuff (like the raccoons who invaded the garbage room and shredding and spewing all the trash about) as a starter. Alex was pretty much feeling the same…so we both wished each other a nice nap and settled in. I was pretty much a zombie from the time I woke up until bed. However, I processed a bunch of chicken stock (separating the fat off the top and straining it), and pitted, peeled and chopped a basket of peaches (now frozen with lemon juice and a little bit of sugar) for either a pie or freezer jam when I am feeling a bit more spry.

I made a peach pie this week using a recipe that had cardamon which was luscious. Peaches can be spiced with all sorts of things to make a lovely change. Ginger is great…and now cardamon.

Tomorrow we go to Rochester to do some future related things with Alex. The week is getting smaller and smaller with all the meetings, travel and plans in place that planning is going to have to happen this evening so as not to totally fry by Friday. I am getting some thinking around my Sagamore talk…and instead of making it outward, telling folks what they should do, I should talk about what I know—getting my work out there, getting noticed and how I do it on a shoestring. Things like staying relevant, trying to stay abreast of trends and web happenings, the power of sites like Kickstarter, and the power of friends. That could fill a nonpreachy hour. Now, to write the outline.

The osage oranges are huge. The lake is really high-and quite impressive. The grass is thick and green thanks to the weather and rain. The trees green have morphed to olive and then we know what is next. We are getting the chimneys cleaned and readied for fall and winter.
Rob is getting ready to tell me his schedule for the week—and I need to attend.