Allium alora, Q. Cassetti 2011, vector, Adobe Illustrator CS5I saw the first robin of Spring this morning. I think we need to declare that Winter is done (though they are predicting snow today!).
The last few days were a blur albeit fun as I got a chance to put a face to a name with many of my virtual clients that I have worked for for years. So, that was great. The Branding session was exciting, informative and we played games like Jeopardy (done successfully with powerpoint slides), bingo and lots of worksheets. Of course the travel part of things was tedious with deadlines that were tight, traffic nuts and long waits on the runway. However, all in all, it was a fast few days filled with all sorts of interesting people, places and things.
Key New York/ New Jersey fashion observations: Long, long blond hair on older women….We saw lots of blondes with big hair streaming golden waves down to the middle of their back or longer. High Bodice Ripper Fashion complete with the requisite scary high heels, and tight tight black suits with fluffy blouses underneath. It’s kind of a porn star vision of looking professional. I find it hilarious to see the numbers of these middle aged Barbies at the airport, posing and preening. Another fashion thing that is very encouraging….at least for me. It appears that the corporate culture has swung back to a less intense look at meetings…the requisite business suits— all spit and polish—seems to have swung back to a more formalized business casual. And for me, as a “creative” I felt, for the first time in my life, felt comfortable in my own skin, looking as a “creative” versus having to blend in. I figure as long as I am viable and “cool”, so be it. I was inspired by the other creatives in the room and the way they presented themselves. Big personal move forward.
Its mop up time today. Time to get stuff moving and out of here.