Portrait detail, Q. Cassetti, 2011, vector, Adobe Illustrator CS5Churning away on the deadlines. We have amendments of files, we have new work, I have a chicken and boy to illustrate. From the fire to the fire. I am so happy I took Saturday off as a day of peace. At least I am not as rattled as I have been. I am feeling guilty about going to get my haircut today, but hey….it isnt like time time is not being put in.
The image for the big publication has been approved. It was an interesting back and forth. Rob was right…give em the “big ear” (the sketch one does that says to your client “I hear you”—before coming up with options/insights you as the illustrator/designer have on this project. The big ear won…so away we go. Put in some time until 9 p.m. when Alex was home from Community Chorus and Rob home from the Village Meeting. I am thinking of submitting the illo with a few enlargements as I look at what was approved and the detail/ it could be a bit more interesting.
I learned a bit about a new twist on fonts yesterday. I guess its not really that new, but for me, a Rip Van Winkle, it’s new. I guess the world has finally transcended the simple selection of browser fonts from Verdana and Ariel (etc.) that browsers select for websites (simply). However, there are far more choices out there and a great resource, Typekit. This is how Typekit talks about themselves: “Typekit is the easiest way to use real fonts on the web. Built around web standards, our service gives designers and developers a subscription-based library of hosted, high-quality fonts to use on their websites. We have over 250,000 customers including some of the largest sites on the web today: The New York Times, Conde Nast, IGN, Twitter, and many others. We are also actively integrating Typekit into hosted platforms—such as WordPress, TypePad, and Posterous—so that anyone with a website can use real fonts.” Pricing is fair for the ability to ratchit up the look and feel of your page. It will allow designers to really design with type…barebones beautiful. Take a look…and know that type comes back on the list of options for websites…beyond the tedious Verdana etc. Max price is $100 a year…min $25. to go from boring to wonderful.
Farhad Manjoo details @font-face on his great article for Slate: “Down with Verdana (07.13.2009). I think this is a good primer of where this is going>>
Work awaits.