Mardi Gras Mix, Q. Cassetti, 2011, Pitt Pen, Ultra Sharpie on MoleskineMardi Gras is tomorrow. Our friends Peter and Peggy are in Lafayette listening and playing with some of the best Louisiana can offer along with participitating in la vrai Mardi Gras, Cajun style. Lots of activity with music, asking door to door for things to add to the stew, and of course, the annual pole shinny for chickens and the like. And, and, and there are costumes and great hilarity. So, to honor Peter and Peggy’s sojourn, I have a few Mardi Gras pix (today and tomorrow). Tried adding to color to this…and yup, flat tire. Need to try with the tones like last week…
Have been listening to our new radio station 90.1 that has been talking a lot about cajun music—and music of the various New Orleans Social Clubs…the Prince of Wales Social and Pleasure Club, in particular.(another link to photos>>)I need to understand how these clubs work. They feel much like the social clubs in Phillie (Mummers!) and to some degree, the contrada clubs in Siena where it is neighborhood, intergenerational thing…that goes way beyond their events, but to a lifestyle that is engrained in the local fabric. I need to read up…there is something wonderful here.
You probably dont know that I am huge Mummer fan…the whole insanity of their stut, the concept of hundreds of men dressed in feathers and glitter playing BANJOS in unison. I mean, doesnt get much better than that. We went to see them at an indoors extravaganza when we were living in Philadelphia (this is why I am married to the most wonderful and patient man!) and it was wild. The sheer din of the wockawocka of the banjos…and the out there traditions these clubs espoused. We need some of this here in the Burg. Hmmm.
We got the snow. About ten inches…and we got the snow day. I clocked down a bunch of work…Alex hung out, and was forced out of the house with a shovel to help. Rob was busy.
I think we may go out for dinner!