from D’r Luschdig Zipiti und Sini Schbezel by Paul Hosch and Hans Melching, 1915I am working on my valentine for next year. I had a bunch of ideas, but after looking at this remarkable online vendor ( that can provide affordable pearl, heavyweight board and foil stamping— My heart is leaping—and feel there is a cool postcard in the works. Chunky, shiny, sparkly.And now, this will inspire me on. Its fun to have production methods act as a prod to move. And, combined with that, a new resource! Yeah!
The lovely illustration to the left is from a chldren’s book by Paul Hosch and Hans Melching, D’r Luschdig Zipiti und Sini SchbezelD’r Luschdig Zipiti und Sini Schbezel cited by the inspiring blog, 50 Watts (formerly A Journey Around My Skull). This book is scanned and complete on the Boston Museum of Fine Arts site>> Here>> I love the patterned borders, the black and white decorative shape fillers and the sheer graphic quality that this book presents. I am inspired to move further with the decorative aspects shown (I mean,look at these glorious flowers combined with the bunny and bird in the inset image). The MFA Teacher site has a whole series of interesting sketch and art books that show a great series/sequence of images designed to flow and go.
I have to go to make dinner as its dark, dark out—and I havent had much jag off time today.