Zydeco Trail Riders at the Rongo, Q. Cassetti, 2010Its going to be overcast, rainy and cool today. Perfect for the peonies that haven’t been devoured by the varmints.
Plugging away on the big pile of work…which gets sidetracked due to mini quick turnarounds which explode into bigger time consuming things to do. Would like to have a moment to learn more about the Universal Friend from Penn Yan, but that might have to wait until the weekend.
Need to order paper and get some printing done for the Hangar and for the Trail Riders. The poster to the left is the colorized/type applied poster for July. Need to finish a teeshirt for a friend as well…and am just close enough. I thrilled to the pen illustration being brought into photoshop/res’ed up to high. Creating a workpath and saving it out as a path for illustrator….and then bringing it into illustrator as a magnificent vector file. The best.
Tonight is an awards event for Kitty. Need to move a bunch of appointments around…as school/work and driving to Corning is not jiving…Hampshire sent Kitty her summer reading along with a bunch of stuff that needs to be done re health insurance, payment etc. Ooch.It isnt a frightening pile of details…but none the less…needs to be scaled soon.
More later>