Predance Group (left to right) Alex Cassetti, Emily Pratt, Thea Clair, Kitty Cassetti, Laura Vann, Shawn LauperThis is the group we had for dinner prior to the “dinner dance” sans dinner plus dessert on Saturday. We had a really nice time. The food was easy and they tucked in. We had mocktails (cosmo syrup with cherries and seltzer) and sparkling grape juice so that we could be elegant and use champagne glasses without the fear and incrimination of parents out there. There were lots of high heels and cocktail rings (provided by me…the queen of the rhinestones, these days).
Worked some on Sunday on a poster for the Zydeco Trail Riders while listening to Boozoo Chavis (a leading light in Zydeco music). His lyrics are wonderful…for example ” You’re going to look like a monkey when you get old”— What is not to love? Hucklebuck is another jumping zydeco tune…love the word, love the music. I started this poster as a hand drawn thing that I scanned in. I redrew parts of it in both illustrator and photoshop…using brushes in a new way for me…along with slugging in type and importing small details for other handdrawn pieces..that the design is looking good in black and white…so, color will only bring it up. I am learning more about working in a hand-drawn exploratory way with brushes and “expanding” paths. Maybe not as quick as one would think…however, the tools allow you to try things that I might not consider drawing..I will share as we go.Funzees.
Also need to work up an approach for the Cabaret Season of the Hangar Theatre. Rhinestone lovlinessThere is a wonderful mix of offerings mainly musically driven. We will be working with the word: Caberetc. There is a graphic treatment and some visual planning for midJuly.
Rob is off to Switzerland and France for ten days this week with visits to ArtBasel and Boisbuchet. We managed to grab all the shirts and laundry and get them done yesterday. He just bought a new used car from Bruce, an Audi TT which is very sporty, very fun to drive, and great design. I am so happy for him as it is a very stylish ride…a step up from the high mileage, peeling pickup truck. So, he rolls into summer looking like an imagemaker…with some fun getting him to and from work.
More later>>work awaits.