Katherine Carroll Cassetti, Class of 2010.Okay, okay…I give you fair warning. I might be a proud Mama a bit today…so you are warned. Best turn off the computer or click to YouTube and watch something amazing versus being bored by a middle aged mommy happy for the accomplishments of her daughter.
If you haven’t guessed, we had graduation yesterday. I was so proud of Kitty and honestly, every person that crossed the stage to receive a diploma. One proud student after the next. We had songs performed by classmates. We had amazing, confident message filled speeches presented with wit and wisdom way beyond the presenter’s ages. The valedictorian thanked individuals in a poetic and meaningful way and then clipped his sax on and played us a thoughful and beautiful version of “Its a Wonderful Life”. After all the speechifying, the graduates led us all up to the baseball field where they tossed their caps and there was a little gathering of all the attendees and parents. This was the photo op with all sorts of hugging and groups of students standing together for the pictures. Honestly, I wasnt prepared for any of this, nor were any of my tribe, so we visited, took some pictures, chatted about nothing and congratulated the grads we knew. I should have been in puddles, but sheer pride, excitement and soaring hopes filled my heart as this is our future, and what a future we have in store for us. Kitty was confident and charming—glowing as she does, and quietly making her way saying hello to friends. She really didnt quite understand what all the fuss was about. On to the next!
We had lunch at Americana with Kitty, Alex, Gloria, Melody, Rob and me. It was lovely. Kitty, Alex and Melody went off to a party with food, World Cup and a lot of hugging. We prepped for a small dinner with the Cassettis and Gloria and a surprise (happy) visit by none other than Princess Berryboo! We had a nice time with the ladies all fiddling with the scarves I had as party tokens (Kitty of course had it all tied up on her head, Berryboo jauntily swept around her neck) with lots of chatter and gossip and the like. It was fun.