Gorgon, Q. Cassetti, 2009, digitalThere was cooking yesterday. Big cooking. I made granola, gingersquares (from King Arthur), bagels (from King Arthur) and a big jackpot pot of chicken stock (managed to score a few packages of backbones from the Shur Savior) and skittled home to get them into the bone processing I love to do. Today, there is more cooking....we are making a chocolate cake; turning the stock into soup; sesame crackers (from King Arthur) and a torta (a friend's recipe) along with prepping vegetables and a tenderloin for another celebratory dinner for our guests.
Bring on the fatted calf.
Sixteen for dinner....It is totally clear how people get on a roll entertaining. You just keep moving the plates from the dishwasher to the table to the dishwasher and never put them away. I cannot multitask on the level to do this and hold down a full time job...but at least the logistics make sense.
Snow Ball/ Spring Fling was fun for K and A. They got in late but from all reports this morning, there was lots of dancing with all sorts of people.
John C. from Elmira visited yesterday and told us all about the 200 apple trees he just put in on his property last week. Made me pause and think about how fun that would be and also, what would the tax consequences be if one were to do such a thing? I would like to understand more about this agricultural piece as apples and bees in some scale or another is in our future. The trees I bought are happy in the brisk weather we are having...perky leaves and rosy buds. What promise. I can see a tempietto farm stand on Camp Street. I really can. We need to start dreaming about architectural follies.
Need to go and put the crackers in the oven...But just wanted to say hi.