Yesterday I finished up putting the cherries in jars and did some cooking. Love the new adds to my mis en place--that being the stuff you keep on hand to cook-- and without these ingredients, it just doesnt happen (olive oil, garlic, leeks, onion, sea salt and pepper, lemon juice, lime juice, scallions, chicken stock). You get the idea. New adds, ginger, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar and worcester sauce. I bought black caps, zucchini, new leeks, and hot house tomatoes from Rick's stand at the top of the hill--which was great. Rick and the missus regaled me with tales of all the hard cider, peach brandy and booze that the two of them make on the side. Lots of winking and insights. Very funny. Localvores to the enth degree.
My illustration mis en place has a lot of do with software, ink, brush pens...etc. The pictures above are just sketches from my sketchbook.
Worked the better part of yesterday--building my files of reference etc. for CF Payne and Gary Kelley next week. Need to lean into the file building for the digital class the following week. I boxed up the 8 15"x 20"s. All my prizes are wrapped and in bags. Thesis papers are packed with my shoes to show. Started the pile of clothes and underwear that need to go. My bag of quarters for coffee and laundry is ready. Picture hanging hardware needs to happen. Need to check with Kitty on wheither she wants an interview at Hartford after her tour/ info session.
It's late and I need to roll the hometeam out of their respective racks.