I have a bunch of hot things on my desk. None of which is exciting and many with way too many opinions and fingers poking it...so the outcome has a high potential of being mediocre. I mean, it should be helpful, really helpful. We can sing in choruses and choirs. We can play on teams. However with that, everyone has a role, a position where we are allowed to be good at what we do. The dynamic with design and illustration changes. The designer or the illustrator who has the role to make the images or create the environment is not allowed to be good at what their assigned role is. You are hired to be the expert and then everyone mother hen's you to bits --because everyone knows everything when it comes to the visual. Would you direct your heart surgeon during his work on you? Does one detail ideas, or direction to the dentist as he fills your tooth? I dont think so. However, our jobs are to struggle to keep credibility in the work and try to have it as high level as it might be if left alone. Urg. It is all pretty septic for me...and perhaps my meeting this morning with the fun foodies will get my head into a different place.
I am liking what's happening with the forever valentine. I output the shape and am noodling all over the layout to make the pieces to finish it. I am looking at borders and corners and an explosive willowtree (also in a heart shape) for the top. The heads of the left and right skull are going to get a little refinement. And the rose needs to be placed. Should be pretty active. I really am beginning to get the hang of this. I did draw it 3 times before I really got it. I had a bunch of layouts in my book from SF--so I came onto the big drawings with a better understanding of what I was to do than before...so it came together better. But what is surprising me is that I am enjoying the tweaking and noodling to finish the work when a year ago I might not have had the patience or interest in really taking it another step. Now, this is a place I am happy (and now anticipate) going. Another feather from the Hartford program. No one pushed me into this...it just has evolved from doing the work. Andrew Carnegie's "my heart is in the work" continues to be one of my favorite "go tos" as it so speaks to everything you do.
I'm sounding preachy. Sorry.