a bit more Sunday

After sleeping the sleep of the dead...and waking up early and putting thinking about pictures and snoozing again, we woke up and went to breakfast at a great, grandaddy of breakfast places, Sears--recommended by Ricky Werman's book for pancakes (we all had eggs) and coffee. The restaurant was great--tile floors, dim lights, the real thing just north on Powell from the Drake (about three blocks up from Powell and Geary). Then off to Chinatown to "go deep" in the little bins of stuff, smell the teashops and see the food. We saw silks and jackets. Wonderful bags "hey, these are the Chinatown Vera Bradley" in silks and stripes with knotted closures. Darling shoes with fabric flowers and frills a la McKenzie Childs ($49. a bit steep but almost, just almost worth it). Wonderful wool vests with interesting fastenings and detail. Jewelry from cinnabar and black bangles, majong piece bracelets to complete stores of stones.All of which we did from the lovely teas and tea tasting, to a live chicken place with plucked birds (deep grey without any feathers -- a bit primordial and scary). We bought all sorts of little things for friends and family. We heard all sorts of popping and drumming to go around the corner to find these three white lions/dragons performing with a group of middle school/high school musicians urging them on with drums and other instruments. A man threw a few handfuls of lit firecrackers into the mix to keep it interesting and a bit frightening. Around the corner we went after this show and there were golden dragons doing the same only the firecrackers were much more extrodinary and loud...the banners brighter and the decor streaming out of the windows behind these drum dancing beasts were wildly colorful and festive. Made the brilliant pink bakery boxes make sense on a color day like today.