It's Logo Design Wednesday. I've got a freebie for the local fashion designer. I've piddled around with it...and now I need to focus. She makes cool coats and her new collection is asian inspired using vintage japanese materials and pre-existing coats. Her vision is twinkly and inspired...and the logotype needs to be a bit more grounded as the clothing is not the straight and narrow. Another is a fix with some fairly detailed criteria with an old client. I hope I can bring something to this beyond the tight parameters.
We Tburgers are getting the wheels in motion for another GrassRoots Festival starting next Wednesday. The DooDa Truck will be out, the art for the ArtBarn will be recieved, the tents are going up. R and A are volunteering with the carpenters next week. The carpenters build the stages, build the dance floors and build things for kids that have, in the last two years become part of our little Tburg in front of the laundromat. Little Tburg is a mini park with plants, a sod sofa (totally cute) complete with grass pillows, and two magnificent, beautifully made playhouses--one a library and the other a school with furniture, wooden books, staircases and multiple floors. The buildings are dedicated to community people who have given of themselves and touched the world despite they are not with us anymore. If I were a small person, it would have been heaven.
Today I burn dvds and hopefully out to Murray and Carol as a surprise prevention program. Plus, it will take the pain out of the computer monkey business for the Sunday intro session at Hartford. I am stupid about this stuff, and the last thing I want to do is be stupid for my new best friends at Hartford...on day one! It would be so out of character to not be a total least I can try!
R and A have another day in Miami. A bought $100 "sexy" jeans which flips me out...but he is a glamourpuss...and truly looks great in this stuff. I think its a bit spoiled but he will wear them until they fall off his bony butt. They are eating all sorts of fish and cuban food. They are swimming in the ocean and in the most fab stainless steel pool at the hotel. As an aside, since a friend of ours came back from spending the summer in Germany swimming in stainless steel pools, this has been a high lust for me. I love pools--summer and winter--and the idea of a sleek, streamlined, smooth surfaced pool works. So do black infinity pools too. I know, too predictable, but I love them. I have a lake with fish( that threaten to bite me) and rocks...but total beauty--the pools will just have to wait!
I need to round up the cats, prop open the porch door on the second floor, place a pieplate heaped with yummie bits outside and get Miss Grove in the wonderbus as I need to rally.
More later, I hope>>