Cold here. In the fifties--real spring. Cherry trees are popping. What with the bit of rain we had yesterday, I predict we will see Chet the Lawnmower Man today/tomorrow as he predicted with a bit of rain--the grass would be ready to cut. Grass is one of my things...I love it. I love broadcasting seed, the weed and feed (which I know is very bad--and do not do it much any more), and the glorious, velvety green that a shorn lawn can project. I also love the strength of landscaping using a tree specialist and mowing to totally clean up a space. I was talking to my friend Paula about plants and the sheer frustration of trying to outthink those nasty deer--and her response was to plant grass. Sounds like a bit of a cop out...but you know, after planting all these "deer resistant" plants, and using some of "natural" sprays that the deer supposedly do not love--its not a cop out. Its a reality. The only plant the deer does not eat...guaranteed, are day lillies. So, we are going full bore into that. Beds upon beds of lilies. Maybe lavender too as it tastes and smells nasty for the deer.
We have a wonderful group of wild turkeys who have settled in the side yard sharing quarters with the wing drying, feet stomping, meat head turkey vultures. Wild turkeys are really extraordinary. The body is so huge, covered in these lovely mink brown feathers, some textured, some not with this tiny neck and head and the counterbalance, the big tail. We saw a turkey as roadkill the other day--and it was shocking how absolutely huge this bird was--by the side of the road...far bigger than Colby Dransfield, the groundhog...and a wilder shape.
Knocking some things off the list--and moving forward to get something, anything off our list. More later>>