Winter in Sheldrake

Frosty. Great rafts of ducks and geese. Standing on legs in the water. Beaks tucked under wings. Brrrr. Some were bold enough to tip upsidedown for the possibility of a a fish or watery snack. Bright skies. The Luckystone beckoned after some delicacy with the heat knocking off...and the dangers of frozen pipes very possible. R. solved it all with the ever present and helpful Mr. Houseworth. So, we just checked in...and Shady Grove and I scrambled outside to blue snow, snapping branches and monkey brain spheres rotting in the snow. The lake was tropical in it's blue color. I loved the way the privet hedges sans leaves are a nice source for linear pattern. The air was fresh and delicious. I love the lake in the summer...but the surprise of the winter is always a shock. I love the winter too. The best of Central New York.