In NYC last week, we had a really great crit with Vin DiFate who had meaningful and valuable things to say about each piece so that not only did the artist take something away, but those of us in the room who need to listen and learn did too. Vin and Murray were gentle and yet directive--and I know I got a lot from the review. Additionally, Vin took a bit of time to talk about composition showing images and how they were composed, talking about the relationships of the objects, and how the composition made the image. I loved his chat about the Arnolfini Wedding...and how it worked as a design. Imagine, it made me think! Some of the fuzzy pictures above are details of fellow student's work (forgive me, this is all hand held, point and shoot photography)>>Top: Jackie Decker, Second from Top: Anthony Accardo, Third from Top Ron Spears and Final: Chuck Primeau.