that lucky old sun

I needed a break. So, driving to and from Corning got me recalibrated. I was taking too much way too seriously..and being pissed off at clueless behavior from clueless people....taking it all to mean more than it should. Makes sense from someone who is always looking for symbols and messages in the pictures, and finding them. Or, imagining they are there and "reading" the picture in my medieval way. Love the blazing landscape. There were some trees that were mainly yellow, with red tips on the leaves that would twinkle with line work. We went to Corning to get K and A to their six month trip to the dentist. We laughed and talked, and teased each other with K and A waxing on about growing up in Corning and the things they loved and enjoyed, the things they wondered about and the things they are happy to leave behind. It was curious as they were in agreement that when they thought of Corning, they thought of the fall. While they were in their seats, I took a quick spin over to the garden store, Massi's on the Victory Highway (love the name) and bought 11 ornamental grasses (fairly mature) at 30% off to my delight. Deer do not eat these we can have hope.

I am back in the saddle today to catch up and do some blocking and tackling of future work. Dropped into the new used bookstore we have on Main St. after a meeting and bought the Oxford version of the Bible for the Garden reference. Also bought St Augustine's City of God to go with it. I love his writing...and feel that maybe there is some hook to find in his book to brighten my work and thinking as I move forward.