Blue Sky Day

I have gathered a posie of other men’s flowers, and nothing but the thread that binds them is mine own. -- John Bartlett

The above quote really sums up where my head is after the illustration fest for the wonderful band I am doing a little spec work for. Later last night, I sent them 2 directions to pick from...and I hope, no chinese menu'ing of the designs will happen. They are so different from each other, it would really push it to merge the two. We'll see.

News story of today
is about a burka clad woman who was percieved as being 'strangely fat'. I wonder why>> A nice quote from the article states:

"The policewoman screamed and ran out of the room, and then women began screaming and panicking when they heard," Telleria said. But when the hysteria died down, she said, "everybody was admiring a woman who is able to tie crocodiles to her body."

New fashion accessory thought. They have really nice little crocodile and or armadillo pocketbooks in Arizona...complete with tails, feet and heads (centered on the front flap of the bag) that are quite startling that would look great with the bustier of taped crocodiles around one's midsection. And shoes? Do you think an izod shirt might cap the entire look? Imagine!

Snow projected for the end of the week. Happy easter egg hunts amongst the icicles.