another work in progress>>
Last night's Oscars featured actors playing queens and dictators and at the same time, a presidential candidate won for his salient movie on the state of the environment and world. It was good to see this venue focus the spotlight on things and people that are important. It almost seemed that the messaging transcended the glamourpusses in satin dresses, the movie folk in diamonds and rhinestones. Considering the absolute chaos the world is with the world leader, a "Gentleman's C+", the random shooter and perfect Condi is making. It was good to see the class geeks and freaks having their moment. Bravo!
I know I owe you a little more on the Chinese Xiamen Dadaist, but today is not the day. Am a little pressed for time. Have 2.5 hrs. doing volunteer stuff at the school--and some rush stuff on the desktop. Maybe later tonight?