Monday Monday

Everyone has today off but the slave driver (me). K is doing an outdoors club hike. A has a friend over and they plan on sleeping late as the night was long last night with too many movies. R. plans on haircuts, grass seed planting on the newly configured driveway. I have more Christmas happening--with much of it going into boxes to be shipped out this week. We need to get some speed around fulfilling the Art Trail final orders, getting the stuff framed for the 171 Cedar Art event and for getting on the walls around here. We have finally decided on a holiday party of those who have worked for us, with us or we have worked for...and the list (sans kids) is at 80 though I know a bunch will drop out. So, we need to kick the house into some semblance of order, get new pictures on the walls and get everything on the upswing as the end of the first week of December is Art Basel Miami...and it needs to all be in motion before we leave.

Need to write a bunch of stuff today and get some stuff billed. End of year thinking relative to the business needs to happen--thus the need to prod my bookkeeper and accountant to talk to we can figure out how we are going to close the year and any surprises re taxes and more taxes that we have to pay. I hate this stuff.

Learned a little in the world of the Puritans. They would show pinecones and evergreens as symbols of (you guessed it) eternal life, Ever Green. There are some great images of hands extending out of the clouds holding a palm frond (very Edward Hicks-ish) out of the corner of a gravestone. And Crowns....lots of soul effigies wearing crowns....triumphant crowns of resurrection.
Whoa. Remind me to write a bit about the bad little demons that had a short play in this world. Love them.