Sunday Review for the Ithaca Art Trail

More neighbors and less new folks yesterday...but it was solid until way after the 5:00 closing time (even had someone show up around 6:30 who I showed around tersely).Some bigger pieces went--and it was great to know they are going to houses of cool folks...and they will be appreciated. I think I have sold/saved out about 7 Memento Mori books (which is remarkable). When asking one person why they liked it...the person waxed on about how the topic speaks to him and reminds him of New Orleans.

One more weekend (next). And I am kicked in the ass to keep it coming. The bodies of work (5+pieces) really work in this environment. You almost need a bunch of them to hang the one-sy , two-sies off. So, I am going to expand the there is mileage way beyond the prints. Also, create a body of work on chickens (I already have 3--so I could do easily 3 more--and get on a roll). The chicken love thing is out there...and I might as well jump on board with this. A Cornell professor and his wife collect chickens all over the world for their chicken and spoke of a chicken skeleton sculpture that really struck my fancy. Need to make a picture.

The postcards were a big hit. We took all of my promotional cards and filled a polka dot envelope with 10 postcards and gave them to everyone that came through. You know, the old gift with purchase thing that is so easy to do...and everyone adores. Lots of mileage and I wanted to move them so I could get new cards. Holiday cards are selling...and the smaller prints. Albeit, we sold a pumpkin picture, a skull picture and a mess of chickens. The crowd seemed to really like the set up with signage and work merchandised together.... I know artists aren't supposed to talk that way...but why not think about the way images and stuff is juxtaposed in order to make a good impression. Maybe we as artists shouldnt care. I do.